Sarah Lawrence, Intuitive Empowerment Coach, Akashic Reader
Sarah is an Intuitive Coach and helps people to enhance their intuition, even if they don't know where to start
In 2010 she had an awakening or remembrance of how to read the Akashic Records and now regularly gives Intuitive Readings of all kinds for clients.
Are you having an energetic or spiritual awakening? Some symptoms include (but are not limited to)
- lucid dreams
- past life remembrances
- an awakening to Soul Purpose or the calling to it
- increased intuition
- energetic experiences (feeling energies, seeing lights, becoming aware of different types of conscious beings, animal communication, nature connection).
If you are currently going through a Spiritual Awakening and would like to enhance your intuition, then Sarah is here to help.
All information given comes from tried and test consciousness models and is very practical and grounded.
Sarah helps clients to connect with their own inner guidance, take action and make new decisions by enhancing their own intuition.
Book an appointment with Sarah, message Sarah or text her at +1 316 247 4144 to connect.
In Service
Sarah Lawrence